Friday, October 9, 2009

Welcome To The IDF

Infected Defense Force

Welcome to the IDF, where survival is our only concern. In the posts that follow in the next few months, we will provide you with vital and indispensable information that will aid you in keeping yourself and your loved ones alive. From recognizing the initial threat to learning how to choose the correct weapons and gear, we will dedicate ourselves to insuring that you are proplerly informed on what is coming. A lot of information from this blog will be drawn from Max Brook's "The Zombie Survival Guide". This text is an excellent source of information, and was what initially sparked our concern for the Outbreak, and we highly recommend that you purchase yourself a copy. If you are anywhere near South East America when the Infection strikes, seek us out. We are a group of highly trained, professional anti-Infected soldiers whose sole dedication will be your and our survival. Join our ranks. We are here, and we are very much alive. You are not alone.

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